Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fantasy Illustration "Tracker"

Here is a sketch of another illustration that I am starting in preparation for the illustration master class in June. This fellow is a hunter-tracker. He is glancing up to his left at a floating orb that will aid him in his hunt. I have a ton of forest reference photos I took near my front yard last summer that I will use for the forest foliage and trees. I haven't settled on many of the small details yet, so the sketch is vague in areas.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Watercolor Babe

Well, this is my first watercolor in over 30 years. I'm not sure if she turned out 'hot' or just plain scary. (I was aiming for sultry). The sketch pencil lines are ment to show through the paint and add to the loose feel.

This style of watercolor is free and dashing. It's a lot of fun to do because you can't deliberate too long...eveything happens in one sitting. The colors dry much lighter and you have to take this in consideration when you lay a color in. Click on the painting and enlarge it to see all the different layers of colors. This took about two hours to do. Clearly, I have a ways to go with this finicky medium! This painting is 8X10 inches on hotpress 300 lb arches paper.

Friday, April 25, 2008

large florals

These were private commissions of tropical flowers. The largest is 30X40 oil on canvas. The other two were 10X14 oil on canvas. Once again the glare rears its head in the photos of my art, but you get the idea of the artwork.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Peasant Girl illustration

Part of getting ready to attend this master illustration class is to begin to create some illustrations using mediums and supports (the boards, papers and canvas that paint is applied to) that working illustrators use. I'm making a leap and going for a color rendering of an old fashioned peasant girl. This is my sketch that I will use as a reference for the painting. I drew this girl from a 100 year old black and white photo. Artists have to be very careful not to use other people's work, like photographs from magazines or on the internet. This photo is so old that it is considered in the public domain.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Welcome to my blog spot

Thanks for checking my blog out! I'm working hard at trying to improve my art skills. I'm no where near my artistic goals, but I'd like to invite you to come along with me on my journey. Right now I'm working on my sketching and drawing skills to get ready for the master illustration class that I'm going to attend in Amherst Massachusetts in June. Check out the website and see the fantastic artists who will be teaching the seminar. I am thrilled to learn from these world class professionals. Stroll through the bookstore sci-fi and fantasy section and you'll see all these artists on the book covers.